
A yellow labrador retriever peeks out from a large leaf pile

Enter the Reclaim the Leaf Pile 2023 Contest!

Show off how fun it is to play in the leaves, without the ticks and fleas

Enter the Reclaim the Leaf Pile 2023 Contest!

Show off how fun it is to play in the leaves, without the ticks and fleas

Tomatoes growing on a vine in a planter

Autumn: the ultimate time to get out and garden!

Smart tips for falling for the fall planting season

Autumn: the ultimate time to get out and garden!

Smart tips for falling for the fall planting season

A hornet large in the foreground of a nature scene outside.

Why are bees and wasps so aggressive right now?

Stinger season is here. Don’t get stung!

Why are bees and wasps so aggressive right now?

Stinger season is here. Don’t get stung!

A dog runs through a yard during the fall with leaves on the ground

Fall is peak flea season

What to know and how to handle the fall surge

Fall is peak flea season

What to know and how to handle the fall surge

A person in shorts sitting on a green bench scratches their left leg

Bye, Bye Buzzers & Bites from Mosquitoes

Prevent these itchy, annoying bites with a counterattack!

Bye, Bye Buzzers & Bites from Mosquitoes

Prevent these itchy, annoying bites with a counterattack!