10 ways to celebrate National Hygge Day

A national day to take a break from the daily grind and be cozy

6 minute read

10 ways to celebrate National Hygge Day

National Hygge Day is February 28. If you haven’t heard about it, hygge is a concept that’s gaining a lot of popularity world-wide. It originates in Danish culture, and it’s all about taking a break from the rush of the daily grind and appreciating the more simple things in life. We’re all about hygge because it’s an integral part of health and wellness. Here’s why and how to integrate hygge into your life.

What is hygge?

Hygge (pronounced Hyoo-gah) is a Danish concept that’s all about enjoying the simple things in life and savoring them. It's about appreciating the moment, enjoying coziness with friends and family, and having a feeling of contentment and well-being. Hygge can be seen as living in the moment, creating an atmosphere of comfort and joy. It helps to create memories that we can look back on fondly, allowing us to slow down and appreciate our lives more fully.

How hygge benefits your health.

Practicing hygge can bring several health benefits such as reduced stress levels, improved sleep quality, and strengthened relationships. Reducing stress is a powerful way to improve our overall health and well-being; when we practice hygge, we are more likely to slow down and savor the moment, allowing tension to dissipate and dopamine levels to increase. Improved sleep quality also results from partaking in hygge activities since it allows us to relax before bedtime. Investing in relationships with family and friends through hygge activities can be beneficial for our mental health as social connections often provide a sense of purpose in life.

In honor of National Hygge Day, here are 10 ways to help get you in the hygge spirit.

1. Dress down for lounging
Hygge day relaxing with pajamas

Down to the core, hygge is about comfort and relaxation, so pull out the sweats and PJs. Grab your robe for extra warmth. Even jeans and a T-shirt are overdoing it when you are truly in the cozy spirit.

Don't forget the fuzzy socks and slippers. It really pulls together the essence of hygge.

2. Find a cozy blanket
Soft blanket by the fireplace

Bring out your coziest blanket that you love to snuggle under on a dreary day. Wrap yourself up like a burrito and enjoy a book or eat some warm food. There are no rules other than remaining cozy when living the hygge way, so keep yourself snuggled up in that blanket.

3. Sip a hot drink
Warm drink in mug

When you think of a warm, soothing drink, what comes to mind? A cup of cocoa? Or tea? Or coffee? It doesn’t matter what your preference is, just serve it up steaming in a mug so you can wrap your hands around it and enjoy the warmth.

4. Make a crockpot meal
Delicious crock pot meal

A crockpot or slow cooker is the perfect way to serve up something warm on a relaxing day. Make a hearty stew or soup, and let the steam rise. The ideas are endless! It’s low-effort, so it won’t ruin the relaxation vibe, and it will be warm and satisfying. Bonus: invite a few friends or family members to a small, intimate dinner.

5. Pull out your favorite puzzles and board games
Board game and puzzle

When living hygge, there’s no need to go completely off-grid, however it does help us get in the spirit when we unplug. It’s good for self-care and mental health to put our phones down and perhaps turn off the TV in favor of some low-tech entertainment. Plus, intimate gatherings of a few close friends or family members is a perfect way to get into hygge, and it whips up a satisfying sense of nostalgia to play board games together.

6. Light some candles
Warm candles

There’s a certain cozy quality that comes by candlelight, so it’s no wonder that it’s so common for hygge to include burning candles, like these made with coconut wax, natural essential oils, and a crackling wood wick. Turn the lights low, light some candles, and enjoy the ambience. Or, if you have a fireplace, light a fire and enjoy the glow and the crackle of the burning wood. The glow of light by a fire will give you peak hygge feelings.

7. Take a bubble bath
Bubble bath

What is more relaxing than soaking in warm water, covered with bubbles, and enjoying the gentle aroma of the bubbles and bath salts? Taking a bath helps to reduce stress and anxiety, lowers blood pressure, and helps promote restful sleep. Combine this bath with our previous suggestion and light some candles. That’s a good way to take your hygge to the next level.

8. Have an intimate gathering of friends
Friends gathering together

One of the wonderful benefits of hygge is that it’s not something you have to do alone if you don’t want to. Hygge embraces fellowship, so it’s beneficial to gather your pack. In fact, the Mayo Clinic shares that studies have shown that socializing not only helps ward off loneliness, but helps sharpen memory and cognitive skills, increases your sense of well-being, and may even help you live longer. Being cozy with friends is a perfect way to capture the hygge spirit.

9. Do something creative
Painting easel

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we tend to overlook some of our favorite creative hobbies. Take this day as a chance to slow down and start a creative project. You can sew, crochet, write, paint, draw, or pick anything you want to do that is creative and fun. NPR shares how the act of creating is good for your health, as it reduces stress and improves your mood.

10. Snuggle up with your pets
Dog cuddling on couch

Snuggling with your pets is the ultimate hygge activity — they're like live-in blankets that also come with unconditional love. On days when you might be feeling a little down, nothing is more comforting than your beloved furry companion curling up next to you and offering some unconditional comfort. Coziness and joy = a cat purring against your chest or a dog engulfing you in puppy kisses. With the physical connection of being close together combined with the emotional connection of knowing they always have your back, pet snuggles reduce stress and provide the cozy comfort that is central to hygge.

Whether you are new to hygge or a pro at living this cozy lifestyle, this list should set you up for an enjoyable and relaxing day. A bonus tip: While you’re enjoying your day of comfort, household bugs aren’t welcome. So before you get ready to relax, reach for Wondercide’s Indoor Pest Control and set the mood with your favorite, comforting scent: Cedarwood, Peppermint, Rosemary, or Lemongrass. Choose the one that suits your mood of the day and do a quick spray to keep the bugs away from those comforting moments to come.

It’s important to remember to take time for ourselves and engage in some relaxation and self-care, and hygge is a great way to do that. So, go get cozy and enjoy National Hygge Day.