Reclaim the Leaf Pile Photo & Video contest. Click here to enter now.
Reclaim the Leaf Pile photo and video contest! Click here to enter now.

Bring back the joy of playing in the leaves without worries of ticks & fleas. 

Join us and @DogNamedStella to celebrate the pure joy of jumping in the leaves again. Share a pic or video of your best leaf pile jump or joyful moment for a chance to win big prizes. Pet, solo, and group moments welcome. Submit your entry by November 20, 2024:

1. Enter online by clicking the "Enter Now" button
2.Enter in social. Tag @wondercide (TikTok: @wondercideatx) and use #ReclaimTheLeafPile

2024 Grand Prize Winner!

Colleen K.jpeg__PID:fc7fbf59-5c93-4d69-92db-c2d48dc67627

Colleen K.

2024 Grand Prize Finalists!

Sandy I.jpeg__PID:5c938d69-52db-42d4-8dc6-7627a01ba33f

Sandy I.

Andi B.jpeg__PID:1e30fc7f-bf59-4c93-8d69-52dbc2d48dc6

Andi B.

Colleen K.jpeg__PID:fc7fbf59-5c93-4d69-92db-c2d48dc67627

Colleen K.

Week 1 Winners!

Kim M.jpeg__PID:2a98c881-89fd-4c5b-875a-306ef5132bc3

Kim M.

Peter S.jpg__PID:c88189fd-6c5b-475a-b06e-f5132bc3871e

Peter S.

Saundra B.jpg__PID:8189fd6c-5b07-4a30-aef5-132bc3871ec0

Suandra B.

Charles R.jpg__PID:e5a38f58-2a98-4881-89fd-6c5b075a306e

Charles R.

Madelina H.jpeg__PID:98c88189-fd6c-4b07-9a30-6ef5132bc387

Madelina H.

Jeff K.jpg__PID:8f582a98-c881-49fd-ac5b-075a306ef513

Jeff K.

Tracy H.jpg__PID:89fd6c5b-075a-406e-b513-2bc3871ec041

Tracy H.

Christy G.jpeg__PID:a38f582a-98c8-4189-bd6c-5b075a306ef5

Christy G.

Jeff S.JPG__PID:582a98c8-8189-4d6c-9b07-5a306ef5132b

Jeff S.

Lexie W.

Week 2 Winners!

Sandy I.jpeg__PID:5c938d69-52db-42d4-8dc6-7627a01ba33f

Sandy I.

Andi B.jpeg__PID:1e30fc7f-bf59-4c93-8d69-52dbc2d48dc6

Andi B.

Lexi C.jpeg__PID:bf595c93-8d69-42db-82d4-8dc67627a01b

Lexi C.

Colleen K.jpeg__PID:fc7fbf59-5c93-4d69-92db-c2d48dc67627

Colleen K.

Emilie B.jpeg__PID:7fbf595c-938d-4952-9bc2-d48dc67627a0

Emilie B.

Beth V.jpeg__PID:30fc7fbf-595c-438d-a952-dbc2d48dc676

Beth V.

Parker K.jpeg__PID:595c938d-6952-4bc2-948d-c67627a01ba3

Parker K.

Sheila M..jpeg__PID:938d6952-dbc2-448d-8676-27a01ba33f62

Sheila M.



Jamie A.

Week 3 Winners!

Karen B.jpg__PID:8d5ee6ad-578b-42d1-a35f-a3d11f56d923

Karen B.

Desirae M.jpeg__PID:c78e8d5e-e6ad-478b-a2d1-a35fa3d11f56

Desirae M.

Erika G.jpeg__PID:8e8d5ee6-ad57-4b62-91a3-5fa3d11f56d9

Erika G.





Sandie C.jpeg__PID:5ee6ad57-8b62-41a3-9fa3-d11f56d9233f

Sandie C.




Rebecca C.

Week 4 Winners!

Kristin N.jpeg__PID:8f5802e2-2ce8-49e7-88c9-06783036e54b

Kristin N.



Susan W.JPG__PID:2ce859e7-48c9-4678-b036-e54b0009727d

Susan W.

Stephanie A.jpg__PID:e22ce859-e748-4906-b830-36e54b000972

Stephanie A.

Lisa E.jpeg__PID:5802e22c-e859-4748-8906-783036e54b00

Lisa E.

Jessica N.jpeg__PID:e88f5802-e22c-4859-a748-c906783036e5

Jessica N.

Anna D.jpeg__PID:83e88f58-02e2-4ce8-99e7-48c906783036

Anna D.



Tara M.jpeg__PID:e859e748-c906-4830-b6e5-4b0009727d2f

Tara M.

Melissa G.jpg__PID:02e22ce8-59e7-48c9-8678-3036e54b0009

Melissa G.

Grand prize for one lucky winner.

Valued over $1,000

Yeti® Roadie 24 Hard Cooler

Yeti® Roadie 24 Hard Cooler

Solo Stove Smokeless Bonfire Essentials

Solo Stove Smokeless Bonfire Essentials

Solo Stove Tool Set for Fire Pits

Solo Stove Tool Set for Fire Pits

REI Co-Op Camp Blanket

REI Co-Op Camp Blanket

Williams Sonoma Glow in the Dark Skewers

Williams Sonoma Glow in the Dark Skewers

Flea & Tick Yard + Garden Ready to Use

Flea & Tick Yard + Garden Ready to Use

Flea & Tick Yard + Garden 32 oz Refill

Flea & Tick Yard + Garden 32 oz Refill

Flea & Tick Pets + Home 16 oz in Cedarwood

Flea & Tick Pets + Home 16 oz in Cedarwood

Insect Repellent 4 oz in all 4 Scents

Insect Repellent 4 oz in all 4 Scents

New! Flying Insect Trap Starter Kit

New! Flying Insect Trap Starter Kit

Repel Shampoo Bar for Family

Repel Shampoo Bar for Family

Indoor Pest Control 32 oz in Lemongrass

Indoor Pest Control 32 oz in Lemongrass

Last year’s grand prize winner @theoddquad

An epic double jump!

Runner up prizes for two winners. 

Valued over $250

Solo Stove Mesa Tabletop Fire Pit

Solo Stove Mesa Tabletop Fire Pit

Flea & Tick Yard Spray and 32 oz Refill

Flea & Tick Yard Spray and 32 oz Refill

Insect Repellent 4 oz Sprays, All Scents

Insect Repellent 4 oz Sprays, All Scents

Williams Sonoma Glow in the Dark Skewers

Williams Sonoma Glow in the Dark Skewers

Prizes for 10 winners per week.

Valued over $100

Flea & Tick 4 oz Sprays, All Scents

Flea & Tick 4 oz Sprays, All Scents

New! Flying Insect Trap Starter Kit

New! Flying Insect Trap Starter Kit

Flying Insect Trap Refills

Flying Insect Trap Refills

Doggie Bag 2-sided Tote Bag

Doggie Bag 2-sided Tote Bag

15% off leaf pile essentials. Play in the leaves without ticks of fleas. Limited time savings on protection for pets, family & yard until the contest ends.

Save on all leaf pile essentials including:

✓ Flea & Tick Collar
✓ Flea & Tick Spot On
✓ Flea & Tick Spray for Pets + Home
✓ Flea & Tick Spray for Yard + Garden
✓ Insect Repellent for Family

a collection of Wonercide products, including Flea and Tick Spray.SHOP NOW

Promo code LEAFPILE valid until midnight November 20. Cannot be combined with any other discount.

Show the joy of reclaiming the leaf pile like Stella and Mabel.

From @DogNamedStella, Stella and Mabel are furry besties. This leaf peeping and jumping pair are the perfect pups to partner with for our 2023 #ReclaimTheLeafPile contest. Check out their jumps on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok @DogNamedStella. Get inspired and then get to it. Stella and Mabel want to see your best leafy pics and videos.

Stella and Mabel enjoying the leaves
The WonderSide
A yellow labrador retriever peeks out from a large leaf pile


Enter the Reclaim the Leaf Pile 2023 Contest!

Show off how fun it is to play in the leaves, without the ticks and fleas

7 minute read


Enter the Reclaim the Leaf Pile 2023 Contest!

Show off how fun it is to play in the leaves, without the ticks and fleas

7 minute read

Remember that feeling of pure exhilaration when jumping into a big, soft pile of leaves? Let’s do it again. How many opportunities do we have to go outside and throw around some of nature’s colorful confetti? Plus, it turns yard cleanup into fun quality time with those we love.

Read the full story in the eMagazine
As seen in